*CGDC Palatino OverrideSeps ersion 1.0 3 4 9 1 - 1 Palatino Copyright 1993 V ision s Edge, Inc. *Portions copyright 1987-1992 Quark, Inc. All Rights Reserved. License Agr eement package (the 8ogram ), and licenses its use on the terms stated below: e m a i n s with V ision s Edge, Inc.; which the Pr 0ogram is designed to operate, except that the Pr ogram may be used only on one computer at any one time; copy the Pr ogram into machine-r :eadable form for backup purposes in support of your use of the Pr ogram. (Any portion of this Pr ogram mer ,ged into or used in conjunction with another conditions of this agr eement.); other person; )>9This license terminates if you fail to comply with any pr ovision of this Agr L eement. Y ou agr g e d portions in any form. Macintosh is a r egister ed trademark of Apple Computer , Inc. Disclaimer g,Quark, Inc. makes no warranties, either expr essed or implied, r ding the enclosed comput er softwar e package, its mer chantability B, or its fitness for any particular purpose. Quark, Inc. disclaims Sall warranties including, but not limited to, the warranties of the distributors, r etailers and developers of the enclosed softwar e c t , enclosed softwar 1actually paid for the use of the enclosed softwar lar developers. OverrideSeps Palatino oduction e s s e f e r Yangle and lpi for each of the cyan, magenta, yellow and black plates. While many other pr ograms exist 0to change the separation angles, OverrideSeps of fers that and mor $e by allowing the lpi of each separa e f e r Minimum System Requir ements %OverrideSeps is designed for QuarkXPr ) ess 3.1. OverrideSeps is network pr +otected and is fully compatible with floppy , RAM, or har d disks. o c e d u r gbasic use of the mouse, clicking, pulling down menus, copying files, and copying disks. If any of these ocedur es ar e new to you, please r efer to your Macintosh user s manual. Installing OverrideSeps Dhas been done, place the original OverrideSeps disk in a safe place. Why Use OverrideSeps? f9The wide range of colors available for use in printing ar eated either by tr ue spot colors (for e f l e c t eye mer $ges the cyan and magenta dots to per ceive the color blue. e c t l y e s u l t m o i r M o i r colors being cr eated by the pr ocess colors. Q u a r k X P r e e n field, found in the XPr ess Page Setup dialog. OverrideSeps Palatino )R!ess it should use the angles stor ed in the PDF , check the Use PDF Scr een V alues check box, which is found in the XPr Kess Page Setup dialog. (Note: Not all PDF files include angles and line scr een settings. S c r selected fr om the Printer T popup menu.) The OverrideSeps XT ension allows the user to cr eate custom sets of scr een angles and indicate jseparate lpi settings for the best quality output possible. By letting the user save and easily access six e f e r line scr een and scr een angle of high-r esolution output fr om QuarkXPr The OverrideSeps Dialog o activate the OverrideSeps XT ension s dialog, select OverrideSeps om the Utilities menu. The OverrideSeps dialog of separation output pr ences. These contr ols include: e f e r e f e r "ently saved by the OverrideSeps XT =ension. Each item in the list shows the settings found in the A n g l e e f e r e f e r R e s o l u t i o n e f e r since a r )esolution of is not valid for output. Override PDF G8check box: This check box, if checked, overrides the scr "een angles and lpi settings in the e f e r ence set to output, in ef fect turning the XT ension R e s o l u t i o n e f e r e f e r e n t e r e e n in the Resolution field, or else XPr ess uses its own standar d set of scr een angles. :ffff B"""""" Jffff33 Zffff \33ff c333333 jff33 zff33 |33ff DDDDDD ff33ff 33ffff UUUUUU ff3333 33ff33 ffffff wwwwww 3333ff OverrideSeps Palatino M i n i m u m ent pr )S(ence set should be used. The value enter ed in the Minimum field must be gr eater than e e n M i n i m u m een angles. M a x i m u m e n t l y e f e r M a x i m u m e e n M a x i m u m own standar d set of scr een angles instead of those cr eated in OverrideSeps. *The Resolution, Minimum and Maximum fields from the OverrideSeps dialog A n g l e s c r A n g l e between 0 and 360. S c r pendently to of fer gr eater contr ol over output quality . The value enter ed in the field must be between 1 and 600. "'The Angle, Screen and Function controls from the OverrideSeps dialog F u n c t i o n available thr ough the Function popup menu include: OverrideSeps Palatino )T_button: A button which closes the OverrideSeps dialog, saving any changes made while the dialog +)= was open. C a n c e l made while the dialog was open. )4#eating Sets of Separation Output Pr ences )Q!eate sets of separation output pr )T6ences, first open the OverrideSeps dialog by selecting OverrideSeps om the Utilities menu. The OverrideSeps dialog e f e r "the sixteen settings available thr ough the pr )S ence list set. The settings curr ently saved for that set of e f e r /the OverrideSeps dialog. Set the dialog s contr ols as desir *ed, keeping in mind the value limitations. f e r e f e r e f e r e f e r However _, if a value is out of the allowable range in any of the fields, a system beep sounds and a dia log appears, r CDeminding the user of the limitations placed on that field s values. Field Name alue Limitation Minimum 1 or gr eater Maximum eater than Minimum Angle 1 lpi-600 lpi :ffff B"""""" Jffff33 Zffff \33ff c333333 jff33 zff33 |33ff DDDDDD ff33ff 33ffff UUUUUU ff3333 33ff33 ffffff wwwwww 3333ff OverrideSeps Palatino ,An example value out-of-range warning dialog Click the )^Bbutton to close the warning dialog. The field which caused the err or is automati dcally highlighted on the OverrideSeps dialog, allowing the user to enter a new number in that field. e f e r e n c e s , click the OverrideSeps dialog )]2button to save those changes and close the dialog. +Using the OverrideSeps Separation Output Pr ences e f e r !OverrideSeps dialog by selecting OverrideSeps om the Utilities menu. The OverrideSeps dialog e f e r e f e r e f e r of the OverrideSeps dialog. e f e r )checked. This enables the OverrideSeps pr ences to take pr ecedence over the scr een angle data con (saving the new selection of an output pr ence. :ffff B"""""" Jffff33 Zffff \33ff c333333 jff33 zff33 |33ff DDDDDD ff33ff 33ffff UUUUUU ff3333 33ff33 ffffff wwwwww 3333ff OverrideSeps Palatino Then select Page Setup om the File menu. The QuarkXPr ess page Setup dialog appears. H!The QuarkXPress Page Setup dialog (pictured is version 3.2) ) a l u e s e f e r its own standar d separation angle values. R e s o l u t i o n R e s o l u t i o n /OverrideSeps dialog. Then place a value in the Halftone )P)field which falls within the range set in M i n i m u m M a x i m u m e e n Q u a r k X P r een V alues )t'check box is checked, the document is r +eady to be output using the OverrideSeps pr ences. g6For example, take the following OverrideSeps output pr ences: OverrideSeps Palatino e f e r R e s o l u t i o n e e n M a x i m u m M i n i m u m shown above. Additionally , the Use PDF Scr een V alues )s-check box must be checked. If all of these ar e set ectly , the Halftoning Edisplay at the bottom right of the Page Setup dialog displays the scr een angles and lpi settings which wer _1e set in the OverrideSeps dialog, as shown below: the OverrideSeps pr ences, the dialog Halftoning display shows the standar d QuarkXPr ess scr angles, as shown below: Likewise, if the value enter ed in the Halftone Scr )P,field of the Page Setup dialog does not fall e f e r Q u a r k X P r aration output pr ences ar 6e indeed going to be used when the document is output. Notes ension does work with QuarkXPr ess version 3.1 as well. OverrideSeps #G(E. 6FC12 #G(E. 6FC12 Keys Dialog Options menu temp.0001 Julie RobertsC Vision s Edge, Inc.: QuarkXPress OFST Palatino """""" DDDDDD 333333 UUUUUU 3333ff wwwwww ff3333 33ff33 ff33ff 33ffff ffff33 ffffff """""" DDDDDD 333333 UUUUUU 3333ff wwwwww ff3333 33ff33 ff33ff 33ffff ffff33 ffffff """""" DDDDDD 333333 UUUUUU 3333ff wwwwww ff3333 33ff33 ff33ff 33ffff ffff33 ffffff :ffff B"""""" Jffff33 Zffff \33ff c333333 jff33 zff33 |33ff DDDDDD ff33ff 33ffff UUUUUU ff3333 33ff33 ffffff wwwwww 3333ff """""" DDDDDD 333333 UUUUUU 3333ff wwwwww ff3333 33ff33 ff33ff 33ffff ffff33 ffffff """""" DDDDDD 333333 UUUUUU 3333ff wwwwww ff3333 33ff33 ff33ff 33ffff ffff33 ffffff :ffff B"""""" Jffff33 Zffff \33ff c333333 jff33 zff33 |33ff DDDDDD ff33ff 33ffff UUUUUU ff3333 33ff33 ffffff wwwwww 3333ff """""" DDDDDD 333333 UUUUUU 3333ff wwwwww ff3333 33ff33 ff33ff 33ffff ffff33 ffffff :ffff B"""""" Jffff33 Zffff \33ff c333333 jff33 zff33 |33ff DDDDDD ff33ff 33ffff UUUUUU ff3333 33ff33 ffffff wwwwww 3333ff """""" DDDDDD 333333 UUUUUU 3333ff wwwwww ff3333 33ff33 ff33ff 33ffff ffff33 ffffff """""" DDDDDD 333333 UUUUUU 3333ff wwwwww ff3333 33ff33 ff33ff 33ffff ffff33 ffffff rPREC ~PRVS &clut